Monday, 9 March 2015

Some old school friends have reformed their 6th Form Rugby side, they were a successful team and enjoyed a great team spirit, so 20 years on they've laced up their boots and popped in their gum shields to see if they've still got it. This is no lark in the park, these guys have trained together, worked on movement, handling, scrums, mauls and manoeuvres, each has made inroads in their fitness individually to enable them to perform somewhere near their old standard, they know the knocks will be harder than they remember and they definiteley want to do themselves justice. Sure there is a good drink afterwards, but this re-union is for the love of the game, the rivalry and friendship it's given them. I pitched up not having shot a great deal of sport, minutes before kick off and a little unprepared with my 6year old son slightly off message with a football at his feet, but I feel there is a feature here and I hope I can return for the next game, idea's a plenty.

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